Walter Shields Data Academy

Exploring the Top Trends in Machine Learning and Data Science Outlined by Gartner

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize several industries, and the world is witnessing the emergence of a new class of AI startups and technologies. According to Gartner’s recent report on top trends in data science and machine learning, investors are expected to pour more than $10 billion into AI startups utilizing foundational models. In this article, we will explore the top trends in machine learning and data science, with a focus on how generative AI will impact various sectors.

Gartner predicts that by 2024, 50% of new system deployments in the cloud will reside entirely within a cloud data ecosystem, as opposed to manually integrated point solutions. This shift will bring forth more cloud-native solutions to businesses and eliminate self-contained software or blended deployments. As the adoption of machine learning continues to grow rapidly across industries, data science and machine learning (DSML) are evolving from focusing on predictive models to more democratized, dynamic, and data-centric disciplines.

Generative AI is driving a new wave of innovation in data science and machine learning. While it has the potential to solve complex real-world problems, it also poses potential ethical and security risks. As businesses incorporate generative AI, they must do so with responsible use cases in mind, including the societal value, risk, trust, transparency, and accountability of these applications. Data scientists and their organizations must consider these factors and create guidelines to ensure the responsible use of generative AI.

Gartner has also found significant interest in edge and data-centric generative AI. Edge computing involves processing data closer to the source of data creation, rather than transmitting the data to a central location like the cloud. Using edge computing and generative AI together can provide businesses with real-time insights and model maintenance, and lead to cost savings. Data-centric AI focuses on data quality, security, and privacy, and can help businesses reduce bias and increase accuracy in their models.

Another significant trend in machine learning and data science is the democratization of data and analytics. Typically such work consisted solely of data scientists. Still, now businesses are empowering individuals and teams to make data-driven decisions by providing access to self-service analytics platforms and training programs. Democratization helps to avoid bottlenecks that occur by limiting data science work only to the data science team.

The rise of AI has paved the way for organizations to use data effectively, but it comes with risks that every business must acknowledge. Gartner’s report has highlighted several exciting trends in machine learning and data science, with a significant focus on generative AI. While businesses are eager to leverage generative AI, they must do so with responsibility, ethics, and transparency. Edge and data-centric AI will continue to give businesses real-time insights and help increase accuracy in their models. Finally, democratization, where individuals and teams are provided access to self-service analytics platforms and training programs, will enable stakeholders to make data-driven decisions, whereas handing the analytic work by only data scientists can prove risky and costly.

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