Walter Shields Data Academy

Qlik Connect 2024: Exploring the Impact of Data and AI on Retail and Non-Profits



In the data-driven era, understanding the voice of the customer is crucial to evaluating the credibility of any vendor. At Qlik Connect 2024, this was vividly illustrated through compelling customer use cases. 


Henderson Group’s Journey with Qlik Sense

The Henderson Group, a major retail franchise owner, has been leveraging Qlik’s capabilities since 2006. Led by Emma McAlister, Business Intelligence and Data Analyst, the organization transitioned to Qlik Sense self-service. Training employees across different analytic skill levels, McAlister emphasized the importance of customized training and a robust governance model. This ensured that all applications on the Qlik Sense hub provided accurate and actionable data for decision-making. The result? Empowered BI champions who can create their own apps and generate meaningful insights.


Direct Reliefs Partnership with Qlik

Equally impactful is the story of Direct Relief, a global nonprofit organization. Initially integrating Qlik with SAP for logistics and financial management, Direct Relief expanded its collaboration with Qlik in 2020 to include data science and social good projects. AI, including generative AI, plays a pivotal role in their operations. From aiding geospatial analysis to predicting demand for humanitarian goods, generative AI helps produce concise briefs on overlooked crises due to limited resources.


The Power of Collaboration

Direct Relief’s partnerships further highlight the value of collaboration. For example, working with the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) in India, they provide comprehensive assistance. Qlik’s involvement goes beyond software provision; the company actively collaborates to understand problems deeply, developing tailored solutions. This partnership extends beyond technology access, as Qlik’s expertise significantly enhances Direct Relief’s tools and advocacy efforts.


Governance and Customer Testimonials

Strong governance, comprehensive documentation, and customer testimonials underscore the importance of these elements in evaluating a vendor’s performance. At Qlik Connect, these stories not only showcased Qlik’s capabilities but also highlighted how partnerships and advanced technologies like AI can tackle real-world challenges effectively.


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One Response

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